Poems & Prose Online







Creative Essays
Brevity–Midnight Baseball” 
The Hunger
–“Some Nights” & “Gone
The Cincinnati Review–Honeycomb
Prairie Schooner–Why to Run Racks
(Named a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2016
Ocean State Review–
As the Water Recedes” 
Passages North
: Writers on Writing–“Why to Kill Your Paradise

Critical Essays & Interviews
32 Poems–The Structure of Grief
She Writes–“Sentimentality Be Damned: On Gratitude
Prairie Schooner–“The Strange Spinning that is Grief” (Interview)
Speaking of Marvels–“In the Carnival of Breathing” (Interview)
I-70 Review Poetry Feature with Writer’s Statement (10 poems)
Seeking the Visible World” At the Lepidopterist’s House
(LFC interviews Chelsea Woodard)


BookDrop Reading with Diane Seuss (June 2024)
Small Harbor Release Reading (June 2024)
Tabula Poetica Publication Celebration (May 2024)
GMR Social Distance Reading Series (May 2020)
Black Lawrence Press Reading Series (May 2020)
Crucible Reading Series Online Reading (April 2020)
OmahaLitFest FacebookLive Reading (April 2020)


Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day–“Holocene Sonnet
The Account-
-“Letters to Future Me
Shelter: Michigan
To Astronaut: On Fall
–“Synthetic Love
During the Final Scene” & “Why to Bury a Parrot” (2009) & “Leash Training” (2019)
Boxcar Poetry Revie
w–“Elegy for a Skinwalker
CDC Poetry Project–“December 17, 2017
The Way The Plot,” “Relinquere,
Portrait as Facts of Energy Between Us
cream city review
–“Self-Portrait as Pyrocumulonimbus” & “Driving Up-Canyon
DMQ Review–
Dialogist–Love in the Language of Aviation,” “What Have You,” & “Blue Sky
Drunken Boat–
Ode to Post Partum” & “Ode to Pain
The Poet & The Astronaut” & “Partial Eclipse, Hail
f a i l b e t t e r–
Self-Portrait as Mountains Surrounding a Dry Lakebed
Astronaut: On Forget” & “In Love, Fridays are Best Spent Watching the Discovery Channel
Gulf Coast--“Anxiety”  winner of the Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, selected by Natalie Diaz
he Lapidary Speaks
Kenyon Review–“
Researchers Find Mice Pass On Trauma…”
& “Delayed Communique
The Missouri Review
The Los Angeles Review–“Wind Turbine Erection: A Time Lapse Video
Dear John–,” “Duplex,” & “Letter I Never Send”
National Endowment for the Arts Writers’ Corner
–“Dear Morpheus
Ninth Letter-
-“Careo” (Best of the Net)
Ocean State Review
–“ACOA Questionnaire” 
–“Dear Mom–
Poetry Daily-
-“Lake Prediction
The Slowdown–“Cuffing Season” (first appeared in The Massachusetts Review)
–“To Be Honest
-“Letter to the Aftermath
Tupelo Quarterly
–“Sensory Deprivation Floats” & “The Letter I Never Send
Verse Daily
–“Why to Save the World,” “The Letter I Never Send,” “Of Course,” “To the Astronaut: On Impact,” “Barefoot on the Pulpit,” “Careo,” “To Sleep,” “View from the High Road
VINYL–June: Tinea
Vox Populi–“Duplex
–“To the Friend Who Sent Me Goodwill Forks as a Gift


Nuovi Argomenti–“Holocene Sonnet,” “Delayed Communique to Astronaut,” and “Total Solar Eclipse” translated from English to Italian by Giorgia Meriggi


My Lake” & “Self Portrait as Pyrocumulonimbus“(radio)
One Pause Poetry–“Shooting Geese” (audio only)
U.P. Women Authors” (TV Interview, June 2015)


Breaking down the sonnet at UWGB in the classroom where I had my first poetry class fifteen years earlier.

Read HOST’s first (starred) review in Library Journal, which claims it’s “a stunning collection of poems, worth reading again and again.”

The Strange Spinning that is…grief“–an interview with Prairie Schooner on constructing a first book and writing through and about complicated grief.

Read an interview between Lisa Fay and Roberto Rodriguez, Managing Editor for Sheepshead Review–the literary journal that LFC helped to revive during her undergraduate days at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.

Read reviews of Errata in Los Angeles Review of BooksPassages NorthThe Rumpus, Weave, and Kenyon Review Online

Or peek inside In the Carnival of Breathing and read “Staying Afloat,” “Respiration,” “On Home,” “The Study of Lakes,” “To Sleep,” and “My Lake.”

*For a complete list of publications, including anthologies, print journals & magazines, please see Lisa Fay’s Curriculum Vitae.

If you have questions/comments or would like to order an inscribed copy of tetherErrata, or In the Carnival of Breathing, please contact Lisa Fay.