Happy to have new work forthcoming in 32 Poems, Birmingham Poetry Review, NELLE, & SWWIM!
Honored that HOST made Library Journal’s 2024 list among such stellar company!
HOST got Swifted (thanks to Amy Long @taylorswift_as_books)!
Big thanks to Major Jackson for featuring “Cuffing Season” on The Slowdown!
Happy to have two new Letters to Future Me featured in the fall issue of The Account. Big thanks to the editors!
My poems have made it to Italy before me! Giorgia Meriggi’s translations of poems from HOST & tether appear in Nuovi Argomenti!
My third full poetry collection, HOST, is now available for preorder at the University of Wisconsin Press.
In the Tempered Dark is now available for Preorder at Black Lawrence Press!
Much love to the editors at The Massachusetts Review for including “Cuffing Season” in their summer issue!
Huge thanks to Diane Seuss for selecting “Holocene Sonnet,” from HOST, for Poem-a-Day!
Over the moon that my third full poetry collection, HOST, will be published in the Wisconsin Poetry Series in spring 2024!
So grateful to these poets for their contributions to IN THE TEMPERED DARK, forthcoming February 1, 2024 (BLP).
Lovely to see “Why to Crochet” named a finalist for the Terry Tempest Williams prize & to know it will appear in NAR in fall/winter.
Stoked this weirdo poem found a good home in the Something’s Missing Issue of Barrelhouse online.
Thanks to Ocean State Review for featuring “ACOA Questionnaire” (with commentary), included in the recent issue.
See the Call for Submissions for In the Tempered Dark and send your best grief poems with micro-essay by May 31, 2022!
My anthology, In the Tempered Dark: Contemporary Poets Transcending Elegy, is forthcoming from Black Lawrence in 2023!
Beyond thrilled that Natalie Diaz selected my poem, “Anxiety” (also from HOST), as the winner of the 2021 Gulf Coast Poetry Prize!
Happy to have “Letter to the Aftermath,” from my third collection HOST, featured on
Super grateful to Waxwing for giving a good home to this tender (for me) poem “To the Friend Who Sent Me Goodwill Forks as a Gift.”
Thank you to Verse Daily for featuring “Why to Save the World” (originally in Copper Nickel) and “The Letter I Never Send” from tether.
So happy that Copper Nickel has accepted a new poem from my third collection in progress for their fall issue!
Thank you to the editors at NELLE for accepting three micros from my chapbook Small Girl for their future issue.
Happy to see my poem “Oubliette” is The Missouri Review‘s Poem of the Week!
A decade later, another animal poem finds a good home in Blackbird (thank you to the editors).
Happy to see my poem “Of Course,” first published in Bennington Review, featured on Verse Daily!
Grateful to Pleiades for publishing “Dear Mom–” and featuring her as the Poem of the Week.
Thanks so much to the editors at AGNI for featuring this poem from tether on their new, fancy website.
Beyond thrilled that my micromemoir, “Midnight Baseball” will appear in Brevity in January!
My second full-length collection, tether, will arrive in 2020, and I couldn’t be more grateful that Black Lawrence Press will give her an amazing home!
So grateful Narrative has published “Dear John–,” “Duplex,” and one of “The Letters I Never Send” (all from tether) this fall/winter!
Thanks very much to The Los Angeles Review for giving a great home to this new poem about wind turbines, the earth, and natural disasters.
Happy to have “Honeycomb,” a new micromemoir, featured in The Cincinnati Review!
Thank you to the editors at AGNI, Bennington Review, and The Cincinnati Review for accepting poetry from tether and prose from my essay collection!
UW-Green Bay has awarded me the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award, and my heart is full. Thank you to my mentors there!
Overwhelmed with happiness to know that my poem “Dear Mom–” will appear in the winter 2019 issue of Pleiades!
Thrilled that Passages North will publish “Foreclosures”–an essay I hold so close–and that Blackbird accepted an equally dear poem!
Always pleased to explore structures of grief, so thanks to David at 32 Poems for inviting me to essay in the Contributor’s Marginalia.
Very happy to have this back-talking sestina included in Amy Lemmon and Sarah Freligh’s CDC Project.
Excited that Glass: A Journal of Poetry will feature two new poems from tether in upcoming issues! Here is the first.
Thanks so much to the editors at 32 Poems for giving a home to my newest poem, which will appear in their upcoming, fall issue!
Read this fabulous new issue of The Adroit Journal (and find one of my astronaut poems from tether in its virtual pages).
Over-the-moon thrilled to receive a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference this summer!
Very happy to say that tether was a finalist for Tupelo’s Dorset Prize, and that Ilya Kaminsky said of it: “The beautiful lyric insight of this book is hard to forget: “& how far / must you back away / from yourself / to see / yourself / as the Astronaut / sees/ Earth’”
Thank you to the editors at storySouth for publishing this new poem from my second manuscript, tether.
Talking shop with Brandi George at As It Ought to Be (thanks to Okla Elliot).
Very happy that another Astronaut/Poet poem has found a home. “To Astronaut: On Fall” will appear in The Adroit Journal in May 2017.
Thank you to the editors at Cicada for deciding to republish “To Astronaut: On Impact” in their January Issue.
My rather personal, lyric essay, “Why to Run Racks,” was listed a notable essay of 2015 in Best American Essays 2016!
Very happy to see that Verse Daily is featuring one of my astronaut/poet poems from my second manuscript tether!
Kristina Marie Darling includes Errata, with two other books, in this intriguing review/essay in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Thanks so much to Molly Spencer for this thoughtful review of Errata, published in Kenyon Review Online.
I’m over-the-moon thrilled to announce that I will join the University of Nebraska Omaha Writer’s Workshop as an Assistant Professor in Poetry in fall 2016!
Errata is recognized by the Society of Midland Authors as one of two finalists for the Region’s Best Books of 2015 SMA Award!
Honored that Chloe Honum has included Errata on this list of Seven Poets on Grief.
Errata is named a finalist for the INDIEFAB Award (on a list of seriously amazing books)!
“Careo“–a poem from Errata–is up on Verse Daily!
Thanks to the folks at Prairie Schooner for asking intriguing questions. Read my interview on grief with Katie Schmid Henson.
So grateful for another careful reading of Errata (reviewed by Anthony Frame) at Weave!
As if my alma mater hadn’t made me feel celeb-alumna enough–they publish this interview in the latest issue of Sheepshead Review.
Karl Schroeder writes a rather intense review of Errata for Passages North.
Honored that Dialogist nominated my poem “What Have You” and Ocean State Review nominated my essay “As the Water Recedes” for Pushcart Prizes!
Thank you to the editors at Sugar House Review for nominating my poem “The Dream Talks” (opening poem in tether) for a Pushcart Prize!
Lisa Fay joins (again) the editorial staff of Linebreak (send your fabulous poems!).
Errata’s first (and lovely) review (by Allison Donohue) is up at The Rumpus!
Lisa Fay talks about Errata with Southern Illinois University Press intern & MFA candidate Kirk Schlueter (includes links to many poems!)
Errata is born in late September!
Prairie Schooner accepts “Why to Run Racks” (a lyric essay) for their winter 2015 sports-themed issue edited by Natalie Diaz.
Lisa Fay accepts a Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry position at the University of Oregon and will teach in the MFA/Creative Writing program during winter/spring 2016.
Lisa Fay is on PBS Media Meet with some amazing Upper Peninsula women poets.
Lisa Fay talks about Errata, Here: Women Writing on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (ed. Ron Riekki), & the U.P. Book Tour in an interview with Stan Wright at WNMU-FM.
Sugar House Review accepts “The Dream Talks,” “Astronaut Sees Upheaval Dome,” & “On Impact” (from tether) for their fall/winter 2015 issue.
Crab Orchard Review accepts “Astronaut at the Window” and “Back-Talk II” (from tether, a second ms in-progress) for their winter/spring 2106 issue.
Kenyon Review Online features “Researchers Find Mice Pass On Trauma to Subsequent Generations” (from Errata) and “Delayed Communique from Poet to Astronaut” (from tether).